Le Salon de Musiques: Concert Intro and postconcert Q&A

Le Salon de Musiques: Concert Intro and postconcert Q&A

The March concert of the Salon de Musiques concert series features two celebrated works by Edvard Grieg: the impassioned String Quartet in G Minor and the Concerto in A Minor (in a transcription for piano and string quartet). Also on the program: a beautiful piece,...
Mason Concert

Mason Concert

What’s better than ONE fabulous pianist? Why, TWO fabulous pianists, of course! Mason Home Concerts welcomes the exuberant Vieness Piano Duo—wife and husband, Eva Schaumkell and Vijay Venkatesh—in a “beast” of a program, featuring the Bach-Busoni...
Le Salon de Musiques: Concert Intro and postconcert Q&A

Le Salon de Musiques: Concert Intro and postconcert Q&A

Vive la France! The February Salon spotlights two French composers of the later Romantic era: Camille Saint-Saëns and Gabriel Fauré. My preconcert introduction will explore the importance of chamber music for these composers and the activities of the Societé Nationale...